
Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Guidance

As a Life Empowerment Guide and Health Psychology Coach, I guide you in balancing and connecting with your whole self – mind, body, and spirit. Through working together, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and resilience to create a meaningful and fulfilling life. I support you in healing all aspects of yourself. With experience guiding clients in a wide variety of life situations, I empower you to make conscious choices, take proactive steps, and live authentically and purposefully. You will discover and understand how your thoughts, emotions and subconscious mind affect your physical body and learn tools for coping with stress in all its forms.

What to Expect Working With Joan

Walking in the front door of the lobby, you’ll hear a waterfall to your left. Sunlight pours in, plants purify the air and the overall energy feels peaceful. I’ll greet you with a smile and invite you back to my office where we will first connect, ground, and breathe together in order to create a sacred space. You’ll feel supported and free to relax. Then when you’re ready, you can express your concerns, fears, and emotions related to your health. 

In a typical session, we’ll cover:

  • Your current experience versus what you want to experience – you’ll gain clarity about your life purpose, values, and long-term aspirations. 
  • A path forward – we’ll set meaningful goals that align with your authentic desires, values, and aspirations.
  • How to take good care of you – we’ll reflect on what brings you joy.
  • Thought-provoking questions – identify limiting beliefs, challenge negative thought patterns, and explore new perspectives. 
  • Techniques, strategies and tools to enhance personal and interpersonal skills such as: communication, assertiveness and boundary setting, emotional intelligence, and reduction of stress and anxiety.
  • How to manage fear and self-doubt, as well as increase self-confidence and resilience to navigate setbacks.  
  • How to increase self-awareness, transform limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset. 

Ongoing Support & Individualized Tools

Unlike many other guides, coaches or therapists, I provide continuing support outside of our sessions to uplift you as you move towards your desired experience. My work is rooted in the foundations of health psychology. Depending on each client’s individual needs, I may utilize one or a few of the following tools to help facilitate change and support my clients: Reiki, PSYCH-K, mindfulness, reflective listening, talk therapy, and/or meditation.

Schedule a Session with Joan Today!

Thank you, Joan, for being a guide and helping me start finding who I am again.


Joan is amazing! She is able to listen, decipher the content and help guide you to perspective, solutions, next steps and peace. I appreciate all Joan can do!


Joan Gilbert will gently and masterfully help you transform your life by being present and walking you through the powerful PSYCH-K experience. After one session, my life has already dramatically improved. It is a simple process that reveals what you truly desire. It uses practical steps to enact change in your body, mind and daily experience. I am recommending this to everyone who wants to grow and change their belief structure in order to live the life they have imagined for themselves. Thank you, Joan, for being such a kind and enlightening guide on this journey.


Emotional Well-Being

Do you feel stuck in certain patterns of thinking, behaviors or relationships? Does it feel like the world is against you? Is life passing you by while joy seems unattainable? Do you lack purpose or drive? I can help you identify the negativity in your thoughts and behavior patterns, then release and balance them

Your thoughts are the energy that creates your life. In other words, your thoughts, or conscious mind, create emotions, your emotions create actions, and those actions move you in a direction. The question is: are you moving in the direction you want to go? How can you make changes to improve your emotional well-being so your actions align with your desires? To strengthen your emotional well-being, we may discuss:

  • Patterns of self-talk
  • Mindset change
  • Gratitude
  • Resilience and grit
  • Purpose and happiness

Physical Well-Being

Did you know that when you get sick it is often your body sending you a sign to slow down or change something in your life? How does stress manifest itself in your body? A stomachache? Increased heart rate? High blood pressure? 

The mind-body connection is powerful, and if you develop this connection you can help your body heal. However, listening to your body requires mindfulness, patience and attention. Stress management is a key aspect of physical well-being. I will guide you to find peace, balance and physical wellness using the following tools:

  • Mind-body connection
  • Breath work
  • Gratitude
  • Mindful based stress reduction (MBSR) teachings
  • Meditations (selected for you)
  • Mindful eating practices

Spiritual / Social Well-Being

Have you ever sensed or known something but thought it was just in your head? Did you dismiss it, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you? We all have the ability to connect to our hearts, our body, and our intuition. However, the hard part is trusting yourself, listening and letting your intuition guide you. Spirituality is personal, uniquely felt and expressed by each one of us. What are your practices for spiritual health?

Whereas spirituality is individual to each of us, the way we live our lives and interact with one another speaks volumes about our inner spiritual well-being. One way to assess your spiritual well-being is to examine your relationships with others. How close are your social connections? Do you have difficulty connecting in your relationships? Do you mindfully listen to people? Through prioritizing spiritual growth and well-being, I can help you increase and develop:

  • Intuition
  • Self-awareness
  • Life purpose
  • Mindful living
  • Intimacy
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Deeper spirituality

Free Initial Consultation

Want to meet Joan and talk with her to feel confident her services are a good fit for you? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation today! Ask questions, get more information and gain confidence that Joan is the guide for you. No pressure, no obligation. Just curiosity and connection – I look forward to meeting you! 

Book a Free 15-Min Consult Today!

Schedule a Session with Joan Today!


What is PSYCH-K®?2023-03-19T18:19:02+00:00

PSYCH-K® is a process that helps you quickly and easily align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious wisdom. In other words, PSYCH-K® helps you facilitate a change in your self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from having a deeper sense of peace and satisfaction for your whole self (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual). PSYCH-K® transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, and positive thinking and is extremely effective in changing behaviors and habits, increasing overall wellness, and decreasing stress. I also love that the PSYCH-K® process does not require that we know what caused the problem to be able to move forward to create lasting change. Our focus is upon your goals and your desired positive experience.

PSYCH-K® eliminates your internal roadblocks and empowers you to replace your unwanted self-defeating behaviors with what you desire to create a happier and more satisfying life. Once you change your self-limiting beliefs at a subconscious level of your mind you can create your own reality through your actions. Anything is Possible!Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your values. Your values become your destiny.

PSYCH-K® Example:

How Does PSYCH-K® Work?2023-03-15T04:10:43+00:00

A Psych-K Balance balances the left & right hemispheres of your brain.

PSYCH-K® is a simple, non-invasive, interactive change process that helps you rewrite the software program of your life. 95% of all our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and values are processed by our subconscious mind. Our past experiences create this program, and we are unaware of the influence it has on our current and desired actions, behaviors, and reactions. This means that you are on auto-pilot 95% of the time and you are unaware of how these programs are holding you back. Our programming can limit our use of both sides of our brain when meeting life’s challenges. PSYCH-K® uses a process to quickly identify and transform these self-limiting programs to self-enhancing programs by creating a whole brain state around the belief. It creates a balanced identification with both sides of your brain and unlocks your full response potential when stressful situations arise. Any subconscious resistance to your goals are eliminated with a PSYCH-K® balance. PSYCH-K® balance creates the potential for change, and through your actions, you create the results.

What is a PSYCH-K® Session?2023-03-15T04:10:55+00:00

A PSYCH-K® session is an in-person session (usually 60-90 minutes) in which I do PSYCH-K® change process with you. In general, the process entails creating a goal statement (belief) that you would like to balance and then I facilitate the PSYCH-K® change process with you.

At your session:

  • We will review topics that you believe are holding you back from achieving your desired state or results.
  • We will clarify these goals and create goal statements or beliefs we will balance. Your goal statements will meet the criteria to communicate with your subconscious mind to produce maximum results and unlock your full response potential.
  • I will facilitate the PSYCH-K® change process (called a balance) with you.
    • This process partly involves muscle testing to communicate like/dislike, true/false, and yes/no responses from your subconscious mind.
    • The balance will align or program your subconscious mind with your goal statements or beliefs that represent your desired state or results.
  • We will discuss action steps (if necessary) to further accelerate your change.
  • I will provide you with a copy of our notes, your goals and goal statements, and your actions steps.
  • We will discuss post-session recommendations and future follow-up plans.

To get started or learn more about PSYCH-K®:


What is a Reiki Healing Session?2023-03-15T04:21:08+00:00

In a Reiki healing session, Reiki is administered by “laying hands” on the recipient. In a session with me, you lay completely clothed on a massage-type table with soothing music playing quietly in the background. I do not place my hands directly on you, but drift them over you as the unseen “life force energy” flows through my hands to you. There is no speaking during a Reiki treatment, just silence. A treatment can last up to an hour and may feel like a wonderful glowing radiance is flowing through and around you, reducing stress and relaxing you.

Reiki Principles. Just for today, do not be angry, do not worry, be thankful, do what you are meant to do, be kind to others.

What are the Benefits of Reiki?2023-03-15T04:18:12+00:00

Reiki Principles, Just for today, do not be angry, do not worry, be thankful, do what you are meant to do, be kind to others.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement from which everyone can benefit. It treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. It has been used to assist in the treatment of virtually every known illness and creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

What is Reiki?2023-03-15T04:17:10+00:00

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually-guided, life-force energy.” Reiki is the vibration, the waves of energy from the universe that guides everything towards love, harmony, and healing. Reiki fills the universe with pure light, love, and joy and leads us to health and happiness.

When Reiki is in our body, it fills us with the life force energy of pure love and harmony. It manifests as a natural healing energy which improves the functioning of our human body and supports us to live an energetic and active life. Reiki nourishes us and everything that exists with the energy of love and harmony.

"Reiki is love, Love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well being, being is freedom from disease." By Dr. Mikao Usui

To get started or learn more about Reiki:

Live the Life You Desire

Your wellness journey is unique to you, and nobody knows better than you what you need. As your guide, I create a safe space in which you can express yourself and be heard without judgment. In our individualized one-on-one sessions, I intuitively and reflectively listen to you in order to help you achieve long-lasting health and vitality. These sessions are your time to work towards complete wellness, to move from surviving to thriving. We are not only here to live, but to live well. I look forward to meeting you and helping you live the life you desire.

– Joan

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