Untangled and Free. Getting the tangled knots out of your life with Joan. 4th Tuesdays 11am PT, 12pm MT, 2pm ET

Live Online TV & Podcasts with Joan Gilbert

What does it feel like to be tangled up in knots? Do you know that your internal knots feel like a weight holding you down and are stopping you from moving forward? The solution is now! On UNtangled and FREE with Joan you get the tangled knots out of your life and fast forward to the freedom you deserve. The bottom line is this.…we ALL have knots & tangles. The question is, what are they and why are they here?

Tune in every 4th Tuesday of the month at 11am PT/2pm ET to The Dr. Pat Show as Joan co-hosts UNtangled and FREE with Joan to get the tangled knots out of your life.

Watch live HERE or listen or download to share previous episodes to help others untangle their lives.

Are you ready to get rid of those knots that are tangling up your future? Learn what it means to be tangled and how untangling can set you free to live your best life filled with love, abundance, prosperity, and joy.

Click HERE or text or call Joan at 602-603-5888 to schedule an appointment to get UNtangled and FREE!


"Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool"

-Syed Balkhi