A Psych-K Balance balances the left & right hemispheres of your brain.

PSYCH-K® is a simple, non-invasive, interactive change process that helps you rewrite the software program of your life. 95% of all our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and values are processed by our subconscious mind. Our past experiences create this program, and we are unaware of the influence it has on our current and desired actions, behaviors, and reactions. This means that you are on auto-pilot 95% of the time and you are unaware of how these programs are holding you back. Our programming can limit our use of both sides of our brain when meeting life’s challenges. PSYCH-K® uses a process to quickly identify and transform these self-limiting programs to self-enhancing programs by creating a whole brain state around the belief. It creates a balanced identification with both sides of your brain and unlocks your full response potential when stressful situations arise. Any subconscious resistance to your goals are eliminated with a PSYCH-K® balance. PSYCH-K® balance creates the potential for change, and through your actions, you create the results.